Gaming with the Broscast

Xbox Game Pass price increases & Link being playable in Echoes of Wisdom

Harrison & Nick Episode 224

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Welcome to the show everyone! We are diving into older games and our backlog as we talk about Dark Souls 2, Sekiro, Final Fantasy 16, and Death Stranding. In the news, we talk about the Game Pass increase, Link being playable to Echoes of the Wisdom, and more!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another episode of gaming with the bros cast episode 224 my name is harrison and i am joined by my brother nick as always nick how you doing buddy in this glorious monday i guess it's so glorious today i'm good i'm good yeah just just have a week coming up you know yeah i think everybody's got a week coming up i mean it's just another week you know live for the weekends right i hate that like i hate but kind of but yeah i mean i enjoyed yeah enjoyed the days between but you know something about a saturday something about waking up on a saturday morning with no plans the day is open you can do whatever nothing beated that that's what i had this weekend it was great yeah yeah yeah i feel yeah i feel yeah i've been um that's been doing like a lot of cleaning here recently yeah and we just went through a bunch of kelen's toys because i mean he was just had stuff everywhere just like they were it's all packed away but it was just like all mixed together so i went through all that stuff and kind of organized it the best i could and we're throwing a bunch of stuff away and donating some other stuff so just some toys that he just doesn't play with anymore now you gotta think are you throwing anything away that he would have nostalgia for later it you think so that we still like we still got all his mario stuff we've got his minecraft stuff is among us stuff i mean we do a bunch of like don't know like crappy pokemon cards away and just a whole bunch of other just kind of junk like mcdonald's toys kind of level of junk you know just like the but not like the not like good ones we had growing up these in our day yeah like the mcdonald's toys today are just are just awful but so yeah just throw a lot a lot of stuff away yeah just just kind of doing a summer cleaning i guess like i've got i went to home depot and got a bunch of like kind of the packing boxes so yeah and my next goal was this week i think it's supposed to rain wednesday or thursday so when it cools down i'm gonna go up in the attic and and throw a bunch of stuff away and kind of organize everything so closed down man dude it was like 97 degrees today it was so freaking hot yeah i'm sure that it's the same for anyone else in the us because i have some some team members at work they they're they're based in colorado even there probably it's like 90 something degrees and i think the humidity is a little bit lower but if it's hot it's hot it doesn't matter how humid it is it's still extremely hot so it's bad i was out doing some like i like moe the grass and like trumps and hedges on sunday morning for like an hour like i was out there for an hour just and sweat yeah i came in and i was just absolutely drenched yeah what i took it you know what sucks when you when you take that shower after you get done and you're still sweaty yeah you get out and you're like man i shower too quickly yeah i shower too early you gotta let it like sit for a little bit no normally what i do is like i'll depending on like really how hot it is like after i cut grass i'm like i'm like over e cuz i don't i'm kind of weird like i definitely sweat while i'm like cutting grass but i don't get hot until i'm done and like i sit down or i stop then i feel the overheatness so normally i'll just go upstairs and get in front of our little family having our room and just kind of sit there and cool off and then i'll take a shower right after but yeah i definitely definitely understand the feeling for that for sure yeah it's like i could have done this so so differently but we were in a rush we were going to a closet appointment to get a new closet system so we had like to be there at 12 i finished yard work at like 11 15 and i had to take a very quick shower yeah yeah yeah you wake up you're still like sweating and hot and you're like oh god that was me this morning like i woke up unrelated to the yard work but i woke up inside inside baseball to having a house but like our bedroom is above our garage okay yeah i think it's like due to insulation within our garage that's causing our room to get so hot but yeah our rooms gets so hot at night compared to the rooms in the house yeah ours i mean ours stays pretty cool like i mean we we always keep the door shut try to at least especially because we have animals and we just don't know make their way up to our room if we don't if we don't yeah worm but then we have like a like a nice fan and stuff so like yeah if i don't have a fan like i am i'm waking up drenched like drenched in sweats and it's it's the putnam jeans right there yeah just for no reason just at all so i also i recently got a like a mouthguard for my dentist because they said i my teeth are overly ground look your teeth shouldn't be as grinded as they are at this point in your life so i got like a an official mouthguard from them i got like molded and everything for the past three nights i've been trying to wear it all night and i keep having like these dreams about them like about the mouthguard and i get out all the way in or something yeah that's the fear is that even though that's like virtually impossible to swallow the mouthguard but i keep dreaming about it and i keep taking it out in the middle of the night like i don't know how to i don't know how to fix this i don't know how to overcome this fear of swallowing my mouthguard but i know yeah i don't i don't like i mean obviously nobody likes having stuff in their mouth and stuff in their mouth but like yeah i recently had to get a cavity filled and it's just like like they stick like this little like guard up in my other side of my mouth with like props my mouth open or whatever and then you can kind of relax it on there but yeah it doesn't relax me at all i like i feel like it makes it worse like as far as like stiffness goes and then just having like yeah just and then like i feel like i have to swallow more like i get that sensation yeah i'm like alright i need to swallow right now and then yeah but they're like you know they're sucking out the saliva and stuff and i already think already i over produce like saliva as well just because like my as soon as i get in there and i just start shooting out like you know yeah i can pretty much click on command but yeah enough enough mouth talk here let's let's dive into some games because we've been well i've been playing a bunch of stuff i've seen i'm seeing a big list on your side i'll start with i'll start with a couple and then tell me about dark souls but so i booted up blood more and i've been kind of trying to figure out some stuff to play now that elven rains kind of done is done really we're kind of we're in a little bit of a lol right now with games which is which is nice i mean it's always nice when you can kind of refill the backlog but i'm going going years back here but i booted a blood born for like maybe ten minutes and i was kind of just in in like the is it the hunters den like the kind of the hub area yeah yeah yeah hunters dream hunters drayton that game looks a little rough yeah visually it looks yeah not great yeah i remember i thought it looked a lot better than it did i think in grand it came out what 2015 15 14 something that 2014 something like that well 2015 2015 is whenever the ps4 launched was it a launch title with it it was a launch window title no that's that's when i picked up the ps4 i thought scholar dark souls 2 scholars in the first sentence 2014 bloodworm 2015 dark souls 3 2016 are you looking you just looking up no that's just me thinking oh march twenty fourth twenty fifteen twenty fifteen okay yeah i mean that's like yeah okay yeah that's what i did i bought i bought a ps4 but yeah so yeah that game looks a little little rough and yeah it's i think it's a desk for need because i really want to go back and play it because it's been so long but i've gotta wait for a you can't you can go back is it 30 frames or is it 30 no it's definitely 30 oh that's right yeah because everyone's calling for like a pc release you see for 60 30s rough 30 is rough for a souls game for sure and again it's not like the prettiest looking game anymore so and i'm playing like i booted up on the ps 5 so great but i don't think they did anything like at all so yeah you could definitely use a remaster or remake or whatever you want to call it because it yeah we need one but i mean people have been playing with that for years we were always saying that so i'm not gonna harp on it but yeah i would i would experienced it now like i've had it along i'm like man are people really like is it really that big of a deal it kind of is textures are not great yeah no they weren't like even like the the backdrop of like the tree or whatever like it just looked very pixelated did definitely remember it looking like that granted i wasn't playing on a 55 inch tv i was probably playing on like a 32 so like probably doesn't help 720p yeah yeah exactly um also booted up sekiro i think either i think it was the night of the podcast last week i booted it up and played for about an hour or so and i finally beat that damn owl five years round of applause everybody yeah i was so freaking hype dude and it sucked because the first time i played or the first attempt i did i got him almost down like to maybe one or two hits and i'm like you you gotta be shitting me right now and then i had and then i bombed a bunch and then i just like alright you know what i just gotta focus on just i gotta parry i just gotta make sure i'm parrying make sure i'm just dodging but also with the owl is like even when you parry him it doesn't stagger him like the meter doesn't fill up a ton so you do have to get in there and attack him too so it was kind of a combination of both i'll just but looking back now like his tell is not that hard to dodge or counter counter so i don't know why i had so much trouble with this damn thing but he's been done finally moved on and immediately got stopped by the corrupted monk and i fought him a few times and i'm just like yeah i think i'm good with this game see sorry to jump in i feel like that one's easier than owl like i feel like those attacks are easier telegraphed than yeah he's got three different phases and i'm just like i'm good three phases and like a second one he goes he goes into like some sort of shadow form where he can i think you can cheese that if you get above them like if you get to the yeah yeah you can you can you can like dodge them pretty pretty easily but i probably fought them 15 or 20 times and i'm like i just i wanted i don't want to go through all this again and apparently and like you told me before the podcast but apparently there's a bunch of different bosses too that i can't remember if you fight out again or no i think i think well you fought owl earlier in the game right for you and i think when like you go i think it's one of those like the past sequences i think or something like you go into like a memory of the past or something and i fought him there and then and the second time you fight and you actually you actually kill him but yeah it was a yeah i'm glad i did it but i think i'm probably i'm probably done with it it's okay i feel i feel good i feel like i that was like the one game out of all the souls stuff other than like dark souls lab and but dark souls i never got stuck on anything i just i think i tried playing it again i was just like man this this doesn't run like super great it's i did yeah well i don't know if i played the remaster or not no i don't think i did i don't think i played the remaster the remaster on xbox runs at 60 oh does it okay cuz i've got i mean because dark souls yeah i think the dark souls 3 has the code for dark souls 1 but i don't think it's i think it's the original yeah it's not so remaster maybe maybe i maybe i'm gonna do that well what you really should do is continue playing demon souls yeah i do because i went through the same exact thing that you did right like the run up to the bosses sucks yeah but once you get down the once you get the bosses down it's relatively manageable and like no none of the bosses outside of war five bosses are hard like a like a lot of them have some sort of like not cheese mechanic like some sort of mechanic to them that like you have to do in order to damage them or whatever you were stuck on the spider boss right yeah and i and to be fair i didn't fight him a ton i had gotten to the spider and i died and then i went back to checkpoint i did yeah yeah i unlock the the lift or whatever so i mean it's i'm one yeah i know i need to i need i need i need to pick it up again yeah i do need to that i really i did enjoy it like visually just visually it's it's stunning so stunning game i need to go back to because i've been it should to play some more souls you know but we've got like this flintlock game coming out pretty soon i do i do want to play or at least try out the lords of the fallen try that so yeah i need i'm itching to play a souls game again so i feel like that happens like twice a year at this point just like i need to play some sort of souls game sort of souls game yeah yeah yeah i'm glad again i don't feel like i'm missing out now i feel like that was kind of like my my big hole in the gaming world is just i couldn't beat that stupid boss and i finally did it so i think i think i'm good i may i may i may attempt it again at some point but it's not it's not on my mind anymore yeah to be fair like you you've said you're not a big parry guy right like when you play buys a p did you mostly parry or did you dodge i think i mostly dodged but also like i was getting i was starting to get the parry down pretty good and sekiro i just had died a few times so that corrupted monk and i'm like yeah i think um i think i'm gonna pass i was like i'm gonna play something else is the run up that boss bad or is it right literally it's literally right there like it's there's a the save point right outside it's just it's just a matter of doing and but i'm also like i have no i have nothing for any of like the the the arts you get i can't remember their call but like i don't have any yeah i don't have any like ammo i guess i'm not sure what it's called but so i've got to go back and re up on that and it's been so long since i've tried to go through that game and play that i don't remember where anything is so right that's why at first i was like let me just restart but then i'm like i wouldn't do that either yeah because there are a lot of very hard bosses yeah in the first half of the game but we'll see again i may go back but nick tell me about dark souls 2 because this this is like our kind of first yeah it was it was our first dark souls game that we full on beat so yeah how does it how does it hold up and how are you enjoying it it's i'm really i'm really enjoying it i'm doing like a strength build i'm going i'm going heavy you know i'm going like not i'm not fat rolling but i'm yeah i'm going with the great sword like the ultra great sword and i'm i'm taking that play style going from elden ring to dark souls 2 it felt like going from the salty splatoon to weeniehead jr like it was it was such a night and day comparison and yeah like i got to the the pursuer which is it's one of the first bosses in the game it's he has like a the he has like a big shield and a big sword and his attacks are very telegraphed yeah they're pretty easy to dodge and it's like it's like a big like stopping point for new players like it's a big like skill check almost and i mean like second try like the first try was i had like one estus last left after traversing the area and the the second try i was like okay you know these attacks attacks are pretty easy to see coming like it's not super difficult just have to dodge around it yeah the weird thing about this game is that it has a a stat called adaptability and it's very vague on what exactly it does and there's a lot of discussion all right yeah and like you can hit like help or select and it shows you the descriptions of all the stats and this one i can't remember exactly what it says but it kind of like helps make it increases like your resistances and makes dodging easier and it's something that i didn't touch the first time i played the game and i struggled of course struggled the first time i played dark souls 2 with you know dodging anything but apparently when you level up this stat adaptability it's increases your iframes when you roll so like okay yeah it's kind of yeah it's super weird so like you you know you see it you see it an attack coming and you start the roll if you have your adaptability leveled up higher you're invincible during that role for a longer period of time okay that's pretty pretty cool is that the only time that mechanic was in i think so yeah from a from soft game that's i think i think that's the only time that that mechanic has been implemented in and it's been disputed on if it actually does anything right like if it actually increases your iframes but i mean if it says it if it says it does it then i don't see why why it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't like here okay i got you okay yeah like you can see like your stat increases and you like all of your resistances like poison resistance fire resistance curse and it's like is like is the is the leveling up helping or am i just getting better at the game and i can roll you know so i mean yeah that's a point of contention like i don't know if it actually helps but i've leveled it up to a good amount and i feel like i am rolling through attacks more than i did when i started the game okay and i think it actually does something so we'll say this yeah say it does but but apart from that whole kind of weird side of dark souls 2 i mean the game's great like all the areas are very vibrant yeah fun to explore a lot of enemies like way more mobs and there are and you know elden ring or dark souls 3 oh yeah there's a lot yeah there i mean there's a ton it it's very overwhelming very quickly and this stamina probably has like the most beautiful hub world too right the hub area music yeah music is just oh that's so good it's really fun man i'm having a great time i'm like probably 20 hours in at this point oh wow okay if you put some time to it this week yeah i've been like two of the like two out of the four like main is bosses of areas so i'm pretty deep into it but my main complaint with the game and this is coming from elden ring and then i also started up dark souls remastered on the nintendo switch okay the stamina meter is so garbage you can maybe get like three or four hits in before your stamina depletes and it takes a while for it to like regenerate or whatever and then i like i played that played dark souls 2 for 10 hours and then it's okay yeah i kind of want to try out dark souls 1 remastered again like i played through that and just kind of wanted to see the game again yeah like you can get off like seven to eight swings of a sword before your stamina meter depletes in that game so it's a lot different in that regard like dark souls 2 is kind of the black sheep of the franchise like it feels a lot different obviously it's made by a different developer or not different developer but different like producer studio it's not miyazaki it's not miyazaki yeah or did he like he like he didn't work on that one right no because he was on bloodborne at the time oh and he was on no yeah you know he was on bloodborne he was on bloodborne okay in 2015 then he did dark souls 3 interesting i forgot about that okay yeah dark souls 2 is great i love that game a lot i think a lot of people because it's not i mean it's not interconnected as much as like i mean like dark souls 1 like i mean that hub you can go anywhere and everywhere like but yeah dark souls 2 is very very different with that but it's still like it's still a great great souls game and the individual levels are interconnected like the bonfires interconnect with each other and like you have like your three or four like shooting off points in the in the hub yeah and you could fast trial between the bond fires right yeah they didn't okay they didn't have not have that in dark souls 1 right they they didn't it was weird cuz you can level up at the bonfires in dark souls 1 but you can't fast travel yeah and in dark souls 2 you can fast travel but you can't level up unless you're at the hub that's right okay because you have to go to the souls 3 did the same thing where you have to go back to the fire keep yeah to level up which is like demon's souls so you have to go back to the hub to level up so is it only dark souls i guess three well only dark souls 1 that you can level up a bonfire i guess eldon and elden ring what about back you get back okay interesting okay that's cool that's weird yeah it's weird that they they nailed it in the first one yeah referred it back on the second and third and blood born so we're gonna give you fast travel but we're taking away they'll be able to level up every time yeah that's that's to a p you know yeah we can't save you that much time an eldering they're just like nah well whatever you literally do whatever you want do whatever you want oh man i yeah i yeah i've always i've always thought about going back to dark souls 2 but i and i never did play scholars of the verse 10 so it i have to check that out did you know you never played the like re release i think i think i bought the dlc i think i bought like the scholars dlc but i didn't buy or have the updated version but now you have it right i have just regular dark souls 2 is that for the the 360 box oh the 360 yeah what's wrong i think my plan is i do kind of want to own all the fromsoft physically i'll probably probably get one and i probably find it pretty cheap yeah yeah man yeah i kind of want to convince me convince me my final declaration is that the old iron keep is the worst area and and all from soft i mean we would talk about this before but there's a run up to this melterdeeman that is absolutely terrible you you kind of have to fight at least ten enemies to get there and there's a bunch of archers there's a guy guarding the fog gate and there's no invincibility when you press a to the word stupid and then the the run up to the boss after that like to the old king boss whatever that run up kind of sucks you do get a bonfire towards the end but still has those same stupid naive enemies so is dark souls 2 the also the one that has like when you go to like the poison area and you have to like make your way down and there's like the big fat like gelatinous enemy is that two or three think that's too i think that's too that one that run up is also pretty annoying too cuz you start up like the top of the hill and you have to make your way down and it's constant you're constantly getting poisoned there's like enemies stuck at you yeah it's it's horrible cool yeah i can play it yeah it's all your little tiktok we were just like just poking the guy in the back and then sidestepping and poking him that was great man it was so easy like you just kind of like throw off your your r t attack and hope for the best just do a couple of dodges here and there and do a couple rolls but there you go but harrison i see final fantasy 16 on here yeah i um i bought the game i found it on sale for like 25 or 30 bucks so i thought i'd had it for a couple months so i finally booted it up it's cool it's it's it's not what i would call a final fantasy game and again and i wouldn't even say i'm old school because i never really grew up with like the final fantasy stuff like you know i've played eight nine i've played obviously tens probably still my favorite but when i think of final fantasy i think of that traditional jrpg i didn't play through 15 played a little bit through 12 but i never played it enough to where it opened up and apparently got good i just played it was very kind of linear but yeah it's it's definitely like a like a like a three like a 3d action kind of game like it's it's it's cool like it's but it's it's definitely like you know you do your little square square square square triangle for an attack yep then it's but there's also a stagger meter so you can stagger the opponents and then you can do extra damage and then you've also got like a kind of a special ability that's on a timer it's it's pretty it's pretty cool i i kind of dig the i don't know how it could i could see it getting kind of old and stale a little bit on i'm probably a few hours in now really enjoying the story i think it's i think it's cool it's definitely over the top with with the they call them instead of like the summons in the game they call them icons with that what's like your your traditional like ifrit and and shiva and all that that's that's the only ones i've come across now it does something really really cool that i think every game should adopt is when you pause the game there's something that comes up that says active lore and it tells you about the lore of the environment that you're in it tells you every character that's in the scene kind of like like amazon prime like when though you pause it it'll show all the actors names and stuff kind of the same thing for this it'll show all the characters names and kind of give them like a very brief a brief background where they're from and stuff like that like it's really cool and kind of helpful because you know final fantasy games like there's so much lore crammed into those games that when you initially start especially since all those games have nothing to do with each other like they're all their own separate story like it's hard to just jump in so that that's i thought that was a really cool a really cool mechanic and that's cool yeah so i wish i hope a lot of more games take it they use that and steal that idea because it's super neat but yeah i'm a few hours in i've been i've been liking it so far all the characters are pretty cool again the combat is fun but not like super super engaging like it's very i mean you can kind of just button mash if you wanted to there's not a lot of skill behind it yet but also again i'm very i'm very early on so i'm sure it'll kind of open up whenever have game goes get farther in have you fought as an icon yet yeah so you start the game out as as one of the icons and like it's like the opening cutscene it's very on rails like you're just mashing right a button fire how the demo started it probably did because the demo is i think literally the first like 30 minutes or yeah two hours of the game or whatever so yeah i've done two of those fights and i think it was i think it was the same fight because it i don't know it starts you out in the present day and then you kind of jump to the fast and you jump back to the present day i think it's the same fight that you do not a very engaging fight cinematically it looks it looks awesome i mean it's final fantasy game so it looks it looks great but yeah i am enjoying it so far and i'll probably continue on nice but i just i just kind of wish they would and i'm one i'm really am wondering with with and i think 15 sold pretty well for them over time and maybe 16 will as you know as well i don't i don't know but the 15 also came out xbox it was on everything this one is just on playstation just ps 5 yeah just just ps 5 so i'm kind of hoping that they actually i don't know maybe they'll they'll probably say not being on everything was like an excuse for not selling but also i think when people like i really think what people think of final fantasy it's the turn based stuff you know and obviously like you know rebirth is is different you know that's more of a like a real time fighting and i haven't played that so i do eventually want to get get to that but yeah this one definitely feels way way more mainstream than their traditional final fantasy game yeah i almost feel like this game came out just like a little bit too late because yeah yeah it came out right before baldur's gate and and hopefully final fantasy 17 kind of like not not follows what baldur's gate 3 does but takes inspiration and and just realizes that there is an audience for more of a turn based yes you make a really great game people will come to it doesn't matter what the combat is yeah the story's great and that's why i'm so interested in that expedition 33 game that xbox showed off at their showcase like that looks fantastic and i think that's what people want you know from like a turn based game so hopefully we can get that out of final fantasy but like i said i've enjoyed what i've played so far and hopefully this it ends stronger continues to stay to stay good but yeah i'm enjoying so far have you have you played 16 just that demo okay cool yeah i'll keep you guys posted on how much more i play but i think i think i'm gonna go through it for a while nice death stranding is what i mean this game is peak this game is great so this game i am love it dude i really i am i'm just enjoying it so much how far are you into this game i'm probably like seven hours in maybe seven or eight hours you delivered some packages you've made some dude i've delivered some pizzas i have fallen down which is always hilarious i don't know again it's like like the system is kind of annoying like when you're when you're trying to deliver packages and you're you're constantly picking up you know other people's stuff they drop and you feel you feel like obligated to pick it up when you when you see on your map course yeah it's i don't know like i enjoyed like satisfying like what's the i think i've always wanted to go back i mean obviously this is way different types of games but like i'm getting the vibe of like an eldon ring tears of the kingdom where it's just fun to just kind of traverse the environment go on a podcast and just call it a day like it's definitely that type of game now there's definitely a lot of cutscenes i mean it is a kojima game and there's literally a once once you're in like your your room whatever i mean it's literally a cutscene for every single little thing look like you can skip it which is very nice you mean you just tap the button and you're skipped it doesn't make you hold the button it doesn't wait for the cutscene to start for two seconds like you could just immediately do it so i definitely appreciate that because that would really get annoying but yeah just like the the kind of the world building that i've experienced so far i have no idea what's going on it's you know it's that kind of like it reminds me of like the sci fi channel like if you were to turn the sci fi channel on back in the day like around like one o'clock in the morning and there's just some random like b tier horror or sci fi movie on that is so convoluted about what's going on that's exactly what death training feels like it sounds about right yeah it's weird dude it's like even like the name like the name there everyone's got like a nickname but then it also shows their name too like the main character's like his name is sam porter bridges but it's like it's porter his middle name because that's what they call the delivery people in this game or porters and then like his mom is actually her last name is actually strand so it's like why are you bridges like it's so convoluted and ridiculous building bridges yeah it's yeah it's very on the nose with that kind of stuff but it's still so interesting and i can't wait to dive deeper into what the heck is going on because obviously like the trailer for the two trailers we've gotten for two looks so crazy right and i want to be and i was excited for those and i haven't even played the first one so i'm excited to get through this one so i can maybe understand the trailers a little bit better but it's cool what chapter are you on are you in chapter two i'm on chapter two yeah okay that i think i got to chapter four okay yeah i'm kind of making my way like i'm doing all the side quests and stuff yeah and i just unlocked the the kind of the bipedal legs that you had that you can like the um game over the call but like they they're like armored leg leggings that you get that wrap around or that you can jump higher and like right have more stamina stuff like that so yeah i mean the beat the bt stuff is interesting like the bt stuff is so weird like it's incredibly weird don't know it's a kojima game like i and i metal gear solid 5 is the only one that i've really played of those games and that game was super weird so yeah i i don't know man i'm enjoying it i want to go back and play this i want to do that i'm gonna upgrade to the ps 5 version and play it through i think it's i think it's 10 bucks if you have yeah 10 bucks or because i um which i've since canceled it but i had the mid tier playstation where which comes with like all the all the classic playstation 4 and 5 games and that was one of them so i was like well let me try it out because i was gonna play more final fantasy 16 yesterday but then i played that and i pretty much played it all day and just had an absolute yeah it was it was fun it is a great it's a great podcast game i'll give it that i've thought about going back to it so many times yeah i wanna it looks great i mean it right like a run it runs great i think i think it's 60 i haven't had any clipping or anything like that any issues with the framerate but yeah just like seeing all the people like it's very like it's souls esque with all the messaging and stuff that's left behind you know people can leave your ropes people can leave you ladders i just unlocked the ability to build bridges so it's it's it's a cool man i'm vibing with it nice music's good like whenever you're in like a big area like though they'll kind of pull the camera back and have like a soundtrack play it's it's cool i like a lot it's very like atmospheric yeah yeah yeah like it because it has like actual like voiced songs right oh yeah yeah it's like a band i can't remember what the band is but it's cool but yeah it's very like atmospheric kind of yeah just yeah it's cool it's all the the bt stuff brands bts a couple times and like for those that don't know they're like this these floating it's interesting because like when people die in this world if you don't burn their bodies they pretty much like cause like they call it a void out where it makes like a huge crater and they turn into these like demon creatures i don't know and the person like a normal person you can't see them so they use the bebe's which are these there the baby bridges that you that you strap on and then they and there's like a little i don't know this little arm that comes out and can like track the the bts and stuff like that so it's it's it's weird it is so weird but it's interesting yeah interesting you make me want to play it again yeah but it's cool i like it a lot i've been kind of digging with it the only kind of frustrating parts are just literally when you're just got so much stuff and like you have to you have to walk back to an area or something like that right so that that's the only frustrating part but if you're once you start connecting because like the whole point is you're trying to create this network and across america to connect it again and once you set up a new area the zone increases so if you're within the zone you can set up like a portable post office postmark something like that where you can store your stuff so you can always come back to it if you need to or you can like give give other players you know items and stuff like that if you have like an abundance of them that you don't need so it's cool in that way but it's it's an interesting game it's i've never seen anything like it i'll give that yeah for better or worse i mean yeah it's way different yeah it's yeah it's uh it's got a lot going on it's yeah it's kind of hard to keep up with but it we'll see i'm definitely gonna play some more of it for sure so but yeah that's i mean played a lot this week everything up let's dive into the to the news nick we got a very confusing update which is very in line with xbox and their marketing xbox if you need me to come on like i've never had marketing experience but i i've got to be able to do better than what you guys can cook up i feel like you can condense it down to maybe just a few sentences total yeah it's weird so yeah we got the and this didn't come directly from xbox i think this came from windows central and then xbox what corroborated or confirmed the report is basically the best because i because i was going on their twitter and stuff like that and they never said a thing i've got the thing pulled up here let me um let me highlight it real quick so and this is this was created by somebody else on twitter which is i guess i'll shout them out clobe real on twitter oh nice so game pass core is like the basically what's replacing the version that gets you xbox live is pretty much that you do get a limited catalog of 25 games i think like gears 5 and halo like master collection is in there i'm not sure what the 25 games are but i think they're the same ones that were already on there so i'll get you multiplayer those 25 games and then like the various deals and discounts even though it's game pass you do not get the game pass catalog anymore which i don't think you got on the regular one anyways but you also don't get day one game pass games like their first party stuff i don't think core changed i think that was portal core is the same but standard is the one that changed right yeah so yeah because that one no longer gets day one games yeah so and it's i guess you'll still get like you'll still get like updates on game pass like if there's a there's a day one maybe non first party exclusive game does that is that coming like like well if someone has game pass standard in flintlock that's going to come out is that gonna be available for them or is it just for i think they would still get flintlock buy it because the first party that they wouldn't get this notation right here says day one game editions by xbox game studios bethesda activision blizzard id xbox and selected third party games so i guess it varies but it's also gonna be added at a future date which xbox has not confirmed that and i think they need to get out ahead of this before this launch because i don't think this happens until september they've got to get out there and say okay and it cannot be a case by case scenario it's got to be the same across the board it just has to be otherwise it's gonna be just a mess so whether it's three months six months a year you know after whatever the case is like just pick something and let that be it right and then everything else like game pass ultimate is staying the same but it's going up by a few bucks it's now 20 bucks a month and i think it's the pc game pass get a price increase a dollar might have gone from like yeah to 99 to 1199 but they're so getting off the best yeah like yeah they get the catalog they get day one games and it's only 12 bucks a month and they don't pay for play online yeah play online don't know like i i made a video about it and stuff and obviously like i was just talking about in general about just subscriptions and like from everything not necessarily just xbox and playstation but also like you know hulu and everything else i'm kind of sick of it man i'm just kind of sick of paying all this money for all these all these different networks and gran you know i know we can always cancel whenever you want and you you know you really should just subscribe when there's something that you want to watch and then you cancel but to keep up with still annoying and it's hard to keep up with like there's been so many times where i forgotten that i didn't cancel and it renewed on me i'm like well i'm not gonna cancel right now because maybe there's something i want to watch and then but then it's just like an endless cycle but know like game pass i feel i still feel like it's probably worth it for 20 bucks a month because you do get some really good third party stuff that it comes on there but i don't know the audacity for them to do this right before call of duty comes out i know i mean obviously that's why they were gonna do that but it's like you they have literally given us no first party games for years and we finally are starting to get in they're like oh yeah we're gonna drag the price up for you it's a bit of like a little bit yeah yeah but like not any like huge what we get we get one game it's like that's been promised for years and then you know here we are call of dutys game ready to come out and boom let's track the price up did any first party games come out in 2023 i know there was like forza men forts uh well pinto man was like twenty twenty one no that was twenty twenty two yeah 203 it was 22 it was 22 yeah what's pentament but 2023 they had what forza that came and well they had forza and they had red fall you know right right but i mean we had stuff like lies ap which was fantastic so it's like you know i'm not arguing that it's still not a value but with this combined with everything else increasing like any and like the analysts say that's gonna increase again probably probably next year you know and have all these incredible games coming out i don't know man it's this is where i'm like do i just cancel this crap and just i'll just buy it like i you know like i normally did yeah man like i'm trying to think of the game pass games that i've played recently and i can't like this year not many hellblade maybe and i guess that pays for itself right you play one game to completion you know you paid 17 bucks for seven months i you know i guess plus there's probably some other stuff i dabbled in but and again it's all it's all relative like you can always cancel whenever you want to it's fine i was like we'll play we'll play flintlock and yeah indiana jones and i want to play that i always forget the name the capcom again it's coming out the goddess game oh i want to try that i know there's a demo on yeah on xbox now and i want to try that you know you but you've been playing lords of the fallen on there so there's yeah yeah there's always some there's always good games but still still like yeah you have to reflect a little bit and think about you know what what you like to play what's most likely to come to game pass and i mean it's always just whatever works for you like i downloaded neon white and yeah i've been thinking i played the game on switch and it was and you should play it on xbox it's really great but i downloaded that in a ichina i can't remember the name of it but it's just like an open world game where you take control of animals okay yeah i think that's that just yeah that right yeah yeah like it was in the past week or two yeah but like yeah it's like games like that where you just you know either try them out or you've already bought them on another platform and you want to play it again and higher fidelity higher frame rate so you downloaded on game pass but yeah because i this announcement came out or non announcement i guess you know and i just was like you know what i'm tired of paying all this crap like i canceled my netflix i canceled the playstation one which i think i still have it until like october so like it just renewed some i can still play death stranding even like nintendo like we already know when twitch2 comes out it's gonna get it's gonna get a price increase whenever they announce like gamecube games come into nso it's for sure getting a price increase it's only a matter of time and it's relatively inexpensive now you know 50 bucks a year for with the expansion pack it has cloud saves it does have cloud saves but i don't play anything multiplayer wise on the switch and right now i'm just i haven't been playing the switch a ton like i've been playing paper mario but i've kind of fallen off a little bit on that one i need to i need to go back to it but same here i don't know i'm just i know i know the switch to is around the corner and i just it's hard to pick at the switch right now it is it is it's very hard obviously when zelda comes out that's that's gonna be a different story and i'll definitely pick that back up but yeah i'm just i'm just i'm a little bit down with all these subscription services and again it's not just it's not just xbox's fault but it's just you know adding to the the fire of these companies inling the fire yeah they're out there they're starting to see you know they're subscriber base kind of stagnate because you know it's not gonna be an endless subscription increase for forever people are gonna bounce off or you know whatever the case is so how do you get around that well you discharge people more money the price you're not getting new people just gouge the people for what they're worth yeah gouge the customers you can you have and and hopefully they stay or they just forget harrison do you mind if we take a quick break yeah use the bathroom and grab another drink yeah i'll be right back