Gaming with the Broscast

Shadow of the Erdtree - Best Bosses and Locales

Harrison & Nick Episode 222

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Welcome back to the show! This week we mainly talk about Elden Ring as we are both close to finishing Shadow of the Erdtree. Enjoy!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another episode of a gaming with the bros cast episode 222 my name is harrison i am joined by my fellow tarnish nick how are you doing buddy just feeling so tarnished right now it's so tarnished it's so tarnished yeah i can't tell it's gonna be a pretty much exclusive elden ring episode as there's not there hasn't really been a lot of news it's kind of the slow point of the year yeah yeah where everything is kind of said and done as far as the you know that the e3 timeframe so we'll uh we'll see get my phone so yeah we'll be talking about some elven ring here in a little bit but before we do nick how was a officer week it was good good still down to florida still very hot down here but when are y'all coming back either thursday or saturday oh well so you're gonna do fourth of july there and then come back yeah so yeah we either drive home on fourth of july or drive home the saturday after but i'm still figuring that out yeah i went ahead and took off friday as well because we've got thursday off and i was like god i want to like a mid day off and then work friday what is this i like yeah i'm gonna be working on friday no yeah yeah kind of a little four day weekend coming up pretty pretty excited about that so yeah hopefully hopefully you'll have conquered the last boss of elden ring by then yes yeah you can spend some time grinding away yeah i'm a little sad i mean i put i mean 20 plus hours now until this into this dlc and yeah it's i'm kind of we'll dive here in a second but uh yeah my week is good you know just to kind of get back into the swing of things last last monday was was super rough but today was a lot better plus i got two days left so i mean it's all it's all good so yeah it was it was good it was good weekend did i went up to our little local meat market and got some got some some steaks and some some chicken and did a little charcoal grilling over the weekend it was nice it was good so yeah but nick let's uh let's dive right in let's dive in so we're gonna talk about like kind of our overall elden ring experience because i think you and i are pretty pretty close we've seen all of the major areas and bosses i mean we're both on the last boss right now yeah so i may take a pause i did try today for about 30 minutes and couldn't get anywhere with the boss i won't spoil who the boss is just for people who i'm sure if you play the game you probably know by now but well i'm sure it's been spoiled for yeah we'll try not to will try not to say it but if it happens to pop up sorry so just let this be your your warning but we're yeah but we're gonna try not to spoiler it good question for you was was the final boss well for you before you got there it was yeah i know it was yeah i think was like day one it was yeah it was spoiled which is i mean it's totally fine like with games like elden ring dark souls bloodborne whatever i don't really care that much about spoilers because for me the experience is in the in the battle the by themselves yeah so it's not like you know like a piece of war gets blowed or whatever i'm not really gonna care but in some games are so convoluted with with our story that's like whatever it doesn't like all the stuff that you could read and find like the story like the lore is is incredible but you know seeing a boss fight and you know before you actually reaches not it's not a huge deal but we'll try not to spoil it for those who have not been spoiled yes so we're gonna kind of talk about overall experience of the game and then we're gonna talk about our favorite bosses and locations in shadow there true because there are quite a few of both so you know what i also learned before we dive in the skado like the scatter tree fragments they're called shit it's pronounced shadow it's like it's like an old an old way to spell it oh okay so like scattered tree shadow tree i feel like i saw that and i guess that's what i guess people were like yeah i'm gonna just gonna keep calling it like skibby skibby tree scabby do skidby tree fragments yeah i mean last week when we talked about it i think you and i were both like maybe two hours in maybe if that we had not a lot of time to play but now i think i think after like i think i was on the cusp alright i definitely was on the cusp of l ring being my favorite game of all time this just solidifies it in my opinion it is man i just this entire game has just been absolutely incredible and i you know and i haven't i'm not the best elderly player in the world and the best from soft i haven't really had a lot of difficulty with the boss i know we talked about that last week now that the final boss that's a little bit of a different story but leading up to it you know i there was a couple that i like i struggle with but nothing not really i felt like i just could not overcome you know yeah yeah really nothing even the like the two bosses before the final boss i think i did them first or second try like they were like someone of a cakewalk with with your of course i'm using mimic gears like yeah whatever but i want but yeah yeah there were like there are a handful of bosses that that that gave some trouble but but nothing like nothing too crazy and i think that was just a testament to you know how much we were exploring and getting those those fragments that increase your level which people just weren't doing apparently before going into these like you know in in game bosses and and i don't know i mean for elden ring veterans like you should know that those fragments are like crucial get i mean they're just as in they're just as important as getting like the i forget what they recall but the things you used to upgrade your flask like it's kind of like that like you absolutely need to get those and i don't know if like when people were previewing and reviewing the game that they were saying that they were optional to get because i mean they i guess they are optional but like yeah you gotta get them i mean they're they're at every single nikola cross like they're pretty pretty important to get and yeah the game makes it pretty apparent and like it changes the nature of the damage you output and the damage you receive so you know it's yeah which i'm curious because i think i'm level 15 right now so i think if i get a few more i feel like i'll be better off for the final boss i'm curious to see how much damage i can do and also negate as well yeah and i'm 17 and i'm debating on looking at the last what is it loss nine in trying to find this before continuing with the final boss i don't know if at this points gonna make that much of a difference yeah i don't know i don't know it might be a lot yeah i'll probably bust out i think i like say what you would buy ij again sometimes and they're trying to listen but like they always have like really good their guides their guide team is just fantastic so i'll probably bust that out later on and because right now i'm i after about i don't know an hour or two fighting the final boss i was like yeah i mean just pause you know i take a break and then like go through all the lists of the dungeons that i've yeah i can check list them off and start going and doing some more so that's kind of what i've been doing yeah have you done all the major bosses at this point like the i think i have yeah i think i've seen them all at this point okay so i guess let's start i mean do you wanna start with like our favorite areas first and then do we can do a favorite areas okay cool my in game map real quick is this like i just want to show you the names of the areas uh no it doesn't i'm on list yeah it isn't on the thing but i think i know pretty much okay here we go i got i got a pretty good list i really like i guess this is an area but i really like the shadowkeep like that entire legacy dungeon i think just the way it intertwines with the rest of the world and you can enter at different points and exit at different points it's one of my like one of my favorite one of my favorite legacy dungeons in in eldon ring and i think it stands against like legacy dungeons like stormbelt castle yeah yeah shadowkeep was really cool especially like when you get to the area where you can like lower the water yeah like that was that was really really cool and yeah i guess every like every kind of major part of the game kind of all the not every single part but most most of the major areas kind of connect to that shadow keep in some some sort of way right it's like a pretty big connection point for the rest of the game yeah and you can get to it like you can get you don't have to fight you don't have to fight granola to get there no you don't have to you'd like really like the only mesmer could be your first boss like theoretically he could be your first boss that you you fight in the game like you i think you only have to fight like you only really have to fight like four bosses throughout the entire game if you wanted to but of course there's you know at least 12 remember its bosses and then i think in total they're like something like 80 any bosses but yeah yeah it's definitely a cool cool spot that's also the same spot that's got like the the different tiered areas right where you're like the bookshelf areas right yeah yeah yeah that was cool only part of that that area is all like the like the samurai guys with the fire they were probably like my least fit well they're not a bad enemy but like they're they're pretty strong and they can they can mess you up they're so superfluous in that area there's so many of them yeah yeah they were hard hard to take down you really needed like a poise breaking build actually my main strategy was just dual wielding the do you do the jump attack do the jump attack and then because you can get like a good chunk and then just do like the lb heavy attack that swings both the bloodhound fangs and you can get them down like super super quick yeah i think my absolute favorite area in the game is probably the cerulean sea visually speaking like with all the blues and the flowers and stuff absolutely absolutely stunning it's not like a ton to that area you're kind of i mean it has the cerros hidden grave like the kind of like the red area with the red flowers and the the fire giant yeah yeah so that's really query and that has like one of those was like the death ray bird bosses and then this really kind of got been there actually you go there yeah because there is yeah that i'm looking i'm looking at my map yeah there is a portion of that that i see that i don't see any grace points i'm probably missing something yeah it's um i mean yeah it's all that it's all that red yeah it's really in coast there's a entire section with the ocarina analysis and i'm gonna minor dungeon as well okay yeah i think i probably just haven't gotten there yet yeah yeah and then just like coming across and like just looking at the map and seeing like the huge dragon the dead dragon the ground that's so cool and we did we see that at the beginning of the game and we're like can you go there think so yeah gracite and you can just crazy yeah how did you feel about the what's it called the abyssal woods i hated that area i did not like that area at all why just well i mean it's not necessarily a bad area but i did get i wouldn't say lost but there's a point where you come across those untouchables is i think what they're called the ones that do the madness yeah and you have i think the only way you can actually do damages if you parry them i think it's a parrier golden perry and i think at this point in my run i was kind of lost on where to go and i ended up getting here and then i got like stuck i couldn't figure out where to go for a little bit and then i eventually found my way out but i'm done are you talking about what's the one called the castle i should say yeah the man the mans hall or whatever okay for you or you where you fight that was a really cool fight the way he like pulls his freaking head out of it and he's like yeah that was really cool that area was really cool but leading up to the bizzle woods probably my least favorite i think but yeah and but it was cool that like torrent was afraid to come out yeah yeah just like on vibe of it was like i got there that's probably like you'd have torrent yeah probably but i initially got there and saw all that stuff and i saw all of like the posts from the players they were like turn back turn back turn back turn back yeah i'm actually gonna go somewhere else right now and i went and ventured around and exploding it felt like this ruling ghost or something but and then i came back later and ended up that area but i thought it was cool i mean it's a lot different from the rest of the game it is yeah i think that's you know it's hit or miss if you're gonna like it but that was glarious it's cool this is probably like my once i was once i was ready to get out of the area i was like are you i'm not going back here right see what else we got i think both of like the both of the finger areas in the well yeah the finger the finger areas in the game i don't want to spoil it for anybody that hasn't done that side quest but yeah the finger areas that you go come across so this is all the fingers and all the spider finger monsters are there and there's like that new enemy type that like the worm looking guy i don't know if they're called but like they shoot like the the little lasers at you the magic yeah and then i'm kind of strict you yeah yeah those are those are pretty pretty pretty awesome to look at i was a little disappointed there wasn't a ton to do in that area aside from you know that side quest and i tried like going to going behind the big wall at the end and didn't really see anything did you did you fight the following star beast over in one of those areas yeah yeah okay yeah see that see that return son of a bitch there is a lot easier this time around but oh yeah yeah yeah i think i mean yeah in that area i think the falling star is the only thing really there and then the other one there's like the duplication for the for the remembrances for their remembrances yeah yeah kind of like the turtle like the turtle things from base eldering so that was that was cool to see speaking of the turtle things have you have you gone back and fought any of the fire giants i have not i do and i didn't mean to try to attempt those they did some cool or they each give like a wondrous psychic or wonders physic what it's called all for the like the yeah the mix yeah flasks there's seven of them and like pretty good stuff they're just kind of i mean they're all kind of the same some of them get the or like a fire pot there had the other ones you just chip away at their legs until they fall down yeah so it's kind of like monotonous to go through and keep slashing away while you're on torrent but yeah they're fun yeah fights there's always enemies like that in every souls game just like missing enemies yeah jagged peak oh yeah yeah it was a dope area yeah that was like just yeah that was like the dragon area yeah all the dragons you find on domain dragons the two dragons that are finding each other when you're on the way to the final boss like just such a cool area and that that final boss bite was just completely epic it was so cool yeah very very reminiscent of like was it was a class plasodix plastics whatever the first dragon they're the first elden lord was from a base elden ring but yeah that was that was that was an epic fight didn't i mean tell me a few tries but didn't didn't have too much of an issue with that one yeah that one was more spectacle and i had like the head like the chopped off like leg where you can go attack and do like massive damage to it yeah it was a cool fight i didn't know that yeah there's like a he's got i think his left front leg is is like severed so you can you can hit it you can do it and do extra damage oh see i would i was using the like that great katana dragon slayer oh see i didn't i didn't know that it did extra damage to dragons at that point yeah i used that to kill a couple of dragons it does pretty well especially when you have your mimic going to it you guys are both just like spamming the weapon are yeah but jagged peak jagged peak is really cool with all the arm and yeah very cool area i mean the area behind behind shadowkeep where you go and you fight that general that's on like on the pig the giant like boar oh commander yeah screener yeah where you go to do the shadow tree chalice and there's like four or five of the i was like oh that says this is epic but then when you swing to the right and you you use the the oh mother gesture that's a really i can't remember the name of that area it's like hinter or something yeah that leads you up to the second finger ruin but that whole area was beautiful and then going to shaman village where america was from was was pretty cool oh okay i did not understand the lore implications of that area yeah if you picked up there's a there's like a blessing like a magic you can a spell that you can pick up and read it yeah it says like america came back to heal or something but there was nobody left something like that yeah which don't feel bad i didn't i didn't know until after i saw a tiktok so yeah i am kind of dummy when it comes to like understanding the lore of the ring i'll just need to watch a video to figure to help but yeah exactly it's okay and then i guess i mean kind of the mean like not main areas but the bigger areas are like the what is it called the scat the scatter outlets shadow altus whatever it is and then yeah of course the gravesite plans is you're kind of the you know your altus plateau and your when grave areas yeah the grave area was it was like yeah like a perfect starting a starting point i think it was very like dark and ominous with all the like the ghost the gravestones the gravestones yeah the ghost gravestones and all that stuff and not like not not it wasn't too overwhelming there's not too much going on yeah area but but yeah it gives you like a good good introduction i mean yeah like you said you go you go to the go to the clip and you're like can we go there then yeah sure enough you can yeah yeah and of course has one of the hardest bosses in the game the like all night yeah that's the only one that i really like outside of the final one that one like i struggle with ralana a few a few times the the is it the shadow erd tree avatar i struggle with that one the post that one had three phases three phases yeah that was that was crazy yeah i kind of changed my build a little bit for that one did i do the same i think i tried to go like more fire focused yeah i use ralannis twin blade sword i powered that one all the way up and use that one i don't know if i actually ended up beating it with that build but yeah that one took me probably the second most tries out of the dlc just because that three phases they get stronger like or i guess have the more open move set each time but you know then they give you like the where you once you like destroy its health bar and then like it falls down you can stab it in the face and it takes off 25 percent of the health each time so that kind of helps so them you did that right i think i did okay every time at the end of the phase where like you you clear the health bar like the avatar drops down and then it opens up an area like a you know like you do like a thrust attack on its face you just tap r b and it does like the stagger yeah attack yeah you do that i definitely didn't do that every time i fought it yeah it's every time and it'll take 25 hours every time yeah every time it'll do that now you can miss it like it if you don't do it within you know five or six seconds it'll it'll down here and respawn i think i think i did it like the first time i was like okay this is very doable and i might have missed a few more times after that okay um yeah you just want to kind of talk about our favorite bosses now yeah okay they only pull up a list but if you have one on the top of your head go for it um i mean just mesmer mesmer is a super cool like that you know that was like the big the big bad of the of the dlc you know was in like all the main trailers and stuff didn't i mean again didn't super struggle with it definitely died a few times but yeah just after i mean just the cutscene after you get him halfway down pulls out his eye so cool then turns into like a snake as a monster as an attack was so cool to see yeah yeah that fight was epic and then that's i feel like the second half of that phase was very it was very cool very fair you know you could the attacks were very telegraphed but they looked very like looked very cool very monstrous very cool yeah yeah that was like a very well designed i really enjoyed that one i mean we talked about it before but but bale the jagged peak boss that was a that was a really great one very yeah very cinematic just very cool to watch how do you feel about the the mother of fingers boss i first tried it i thought it was a cool i thought it was a very cool design very very gross but very very pretty pretty easy boss i think definitely felt like bloodborne esque just where you it takes you to you know but yeah i liked it a lot it felt like what's that just that blob in bloodborne the one that has all the its bonds all those like little creatures with it yeah yeah yeah i know we're talking about yeah it was more it was way more mobile than that one but um yeah but it's kind of reminds kind of remind me of that one yeah very easy find especially if you had the the dual wheel bloodhound things and you just do your jump attack but very cool i did also like the well it was it was more of like they had a lot of range to it but the um the the skeleton i can't remember its name but the skeleton knight you find yeah the putressen knight that was a cool that was a cool boss fight but with a horse and yeah it was it was a little bit like bullshitty sometimes because it had so much range and then like you would dodge him and then oh yeah his horse also will charge at you and you got to dodge the horse and yeah it never caused that horse i don't know what it was it felt like a little bit unfair to me but i thought the environment and just the boss design itself was was really cool right once you like once you figure it out it becomes a lot easier but yeah those those first few tries that i had i was like what am i what am i doing like how do i even dodge this stuff yeah did you after the boss you go visit the the like flower lady whatever right yeah i did i did this six times and okay it killed but i had already gotten past the point where i could not continue the that side mission because the person had already died that was involved with it i'd already killed him who was it i can't remember the name but i think it was one of the four or five people that you fight you know in that that in the second to the last boss fight yeah is that the arena one where you fight like four or five people at the same time yeah three oh really maybe i didn't kill him i i didn't know there was more to that quest outside of just here in that dialogue yeah i didn't either i think i just went through the to the main story too fast and i didn't realize it yeah but yeah that was a cool boss though and that one i did struggle a lot with was the five or the four or five people that you fight because it's just it's just the one at first and then the second one comes and the third and then they just kind of pile on so it's like if you really don't kill one before the other spawned it almost gets unmanageable and they all heal they all have one one heel it was kind of a pain okay that's why that was easier because it was just just three okay yeah i think i think mine was five yeah it was a little it was a little challenging but then i after i died a few times and i went back there was an additional summon that i could do and so i brought in a second person then i had my mimic so it's a little bit more manageable after all that but yeah that that one was a little bit frustrating but yeah still still a cool fight yeah i did i did really like romana saint of the bud the third to last boss that you fight yeah i first tried her but but then the spectacle of the fight was was really cool what now sorry which one was this ramana like the this like the scorpion kind of oh yeah yeah yeah yeah she took me a few tries but yeah she was pretty cool mm hmm thought that was a cool fight yeah yeah she had some really cool really cool attacks and just the entire arena with the scarlet rod was yeah it just looks aesthetically looked very cool yeah scarlet always looks like i hate dealing with it but it always looks super cool when it's in the i don't know any environment spread out or whatever it looks really cool also that like the last area of the ancient ruin of rao i loved that area i thought that was it just looked very different from like other elden ring areas and even like souls areas is there i'm looking at a list are there 78 bosses in this game yeah in the dlc yeah okay interesting i don't know i know i think they're counting a lot of i think they're probably counting a lot of like the invaders that come in yeah because you fight the the ancient dragon man twice um just trying to look here i don't know if i've fought in the magma worm and dragons pit maybe i did fight that i'm not sure than that wait isn't that that's a boss from the main game right oh yeah i did fight him yeah yeah he's in yeah i'm ram yeah i don't think you see i think he wasn't he wasn't a boss fight he was just because he was in it he was in an area but it was the magnum arm from the base game but he didn't have like a boss bar he just had i think that's why they're counting i think they're counting some that are like some of the stronger enemies that aren't necessarily bosses or whatever i mean all the ghost flame dragons were cool fights i think i'm not the biggest dragon like they're not my favorite enemies to fight because they're kind of a pain sometimes but they're all like really cool looking yeah like i don't totally love fights that require you to be on to warrant during them just because it kind of limits the attacks you can do and that's kind of what the dragon bosses require yeah to some extent but i mean they're all throwing really cool fights and they have great drops too with the agent i think sounds and somber smitten sims i mean all the all the humanoid bosses in the like the the mini dungeons those are all great yeah like the dancer one yeah yep yeah the dancer fight i loved it was a pretty easy fight i think i think you did on like your first serve actually i think i did on my first try i think you might have done it in a second the dancing line i thought that was a really cool like cool looking movement that yeah that boss had it was a pretty easy boss but yeah really really quiet yeah yeah wait you can fight it again yeah and ancient ruins of route oh yeah i'm looking at that now okay see i haven't bought it a second time see i got so much to do so so much yeah yeah really really cool really cool boss design did you fight the tree sentinels again enter entered bird yeah i did i was i loved i saw the tree sitting he'll come around the corner and i was like yeah i'm about to clap you and i did said maneuver maneuver yeah i definitely need to fight the that death right bird again yeah that's that that red area the rolana fight was i thought was really cool just like that the two like sphere things she creates is pretty awesome yeah pretty telegraphed which is good and they look cool i mean i guess the other ones on this list are kind of like smaller scale bosses a lot of humanoid ones but they were like they're all like pretty interesting i think they did a good job of making some of those easier bosses least like unique in their own way yeah do the do the furnace golems or they come back after you kill them no they don't they don't okay yeah that's kind of incentive to yeah yeah did you did you kill leading up to the what's called the jagged peak when you come from i think when you come from gravesite did you kill that guy that was laying on the ground that's like my leg my arms no i didn't i hit him once and i didn't i didn't kill him i just like did a little bit of damage sounds like did he like work did he form into a dragon no oh he did for me but did you kill him yeah i killed him okay i didn't kill him but okay maybe she could kill and say go find a dragon well it doesn't do he doesn't turn into a dragon but he does like that that dragon head thing that comes out and then i hit him again he died yeah i don't know what his want to say i got a dragon heart maybe or something like that it was something dragon related just trying to look through all the bosses real quick see this name called dry leaf dane i don't remember that fight cursed blade labyrinth i don't think i thought that i mean there's some that i haven't hadn't thought yet yeah i mean this honestly like this is a huge expansion yeah i mean this is like 20 plus hours of it and yeah it's not necessarily an elder ring too but it's like definitely like an elder ring like 1.5 like it is that big yeah the weird thing is like it feels like geographically it feels as big as the base game and maybe us remembering the base game then i know there's like a ton of you know the secret larger areas in the base game going towards millenia to maybe not but but it just like it feels again sprawling both you know horizontally and vertically which is which is really cool yeah like i said like it feels like they really did great job with like intertwining like every aspect of this map together like yeah more so than than the base elder ring did like base elder ring felt like an open world this one just feels like an open world for sure but there's so many different shortcuts and stuff that you can find that makes it feel like a like a proper dark souls game with the way they kind of handle their dungeons and environments and stuff like that so yeah this i mean this is like i mean this game is an absolute masterpiece this is probably one of the best dlcs ever made i mean it's just jam packed full of bosses and areas and stuff like that i mean just going through this list there's quite a few that i haven't even seen yet which is kind of insane to think about but yeah yeah it's it's a it's a good piece of it's a good piece of dlc is there anything you are left wanting more of at the end of this are you are you wish there was more of i mean at this point i guess just elder ring to man just i want i want more this is my this is my bread and butter like this is the exact if i'm gonna play an open world game this is exactly what i want i want i want a game where if something looks like something could be around the corner or if i follow this trail something's gonna be there it's it's always there it just there's always something i'm never i'm never left like dissatisfied with with trying to explore and stuff there is always something around the corner whether it's a small item or a boss a random boss or you get invaded by an npc yeah it just always just yeah it's just the perfect the perfect exploration game in my opinion like this this in like tears of the kingdom breath of the wild stuff like that it just incentivizes you so heavily to just explore and deviate from the path and right type of stuff yeah yeah game oh in the last area the last like castle dungeon whatever you want to call it did you do that the area that's kind of off the beaten path and you have to like roll off cliffs and you know walk around the tops of buildings and you get all the way to the bottom and you get this very cool item in a fragment did you like did you find that area i don't know if i did you do you know the name of it of the weapon well yeah i guess the weapon is it a weapon what you find you yeah let me go it's not ringing a bell but it gets close euphoria that's the weapon name yeah what type of weapon is it it's a twin blade a twin blade i don't know if i have that yeah it's like an area that's like it takes probably five minutes to fully like traverse and traverse and parkway way down there and then you come across a couple of enemies and where's that out on the map it's in like the final area of the game like the final um the final boss is that yeah it's in that area okay i think it's pretty close to the last side of grace i'll go back and look i'm not i'm not sure there's definitely there's them and just watching some tiktoks and stuff there's lots of stuff that i straight up missed yeah yeah i think i've probably missed more than i've seen yeah that's just what those types of games are like it's great there's stuff that i've seen stuff that i miss in base eldering that i just haven't seen or found i had to go i had to go back and get a bell bearing because i needed to get like somber three and four for the somber stones smoothing stones i didn't have that apparently so i had to go back and find out where that was and do that so yeah there's just so much so much to this game and it's you know once i'm once i'm done with it i'm gonna be very sad but hopefully you know hopefully the next one you know i don't know if i need if i need an elder ring to as the next game from from from soft but when that does inevitably happen because of course there's gonna be an elder ring to the game sold i mean i think it's not in our news section but i think it's sold five million copies just shadow the erd tree alone which is insane just in the first few days right yeah the game the game is the game is crazy so good yeah anything anything that you i think i answered the question anything that you left missing from the dlc that you wanted more of or i mean not really again it just took everything from the base game and kind of improved on it i think all the areas were just as good if not better than the base game the new would you have liked them to i don't know if they've ever done this in one of their dlcs but would you have liked them to kind of almost metroid you and strip you of like all of your weapons and then force you to use the new stuff yeah i mean i think that would have been cool i think if i mean almost like a separate file completely are you know they would they want to bring their own you know they won't have their own weapons but yeah i guess i guess it's my only critique with the dlc and it's it's that the weapons in the base gamers are so good right there's so many good ones and you know i've been trying out like all the new ones and leveling the model you always bring yourself back to the blood you always come back to the bloodhound things yeah after even after like three or four nerves you still go back to them but they're too good yeah but the weapons are they're still really fun to use in this game like i've seen a lot of talk around the perfume bottles yeah yeah like okay like should i like should i kind of get into that and play around with those a little bit yeah it's cool it's i mean it's a masterpiece at the end of the day it is absolutely i i believe that from can can make an even better one but it's gonna be extremely hard to to top that game so and we said this at the beginning but we're both stuck on the final boss yeah and that second phase is it's teetering on bs i think it probably is over the line of bs yeah because the later play the cool effects and you just can't really see what's going on yeah and i'm struggling with like you just have i mean the first half like if you've got your mimic roland if you've got one of the other summons you can bring in you can you can kind of and also like they kind of don't really draw that much aggro either so that that's kind of frustrating but yeah so i like the first half i can get done pretty pretty quickly but that second half he so many different move sets and it's just it's really unpredictable and some of the attacks feel impossible to dodge and you literally like if if the boss is facing you know an npc or your mammy or whatever you go up behind it and slash like literally his the next move is slashing around and like getting to you so it's like almost impossible to get like a couple of good like hits in before you're right or it is an aim yeah hits you anyway see there's the it's it's an uphill battle we'll both conquer it yeah it feels doable i got to the point where i had we were almost done and i got hugged and it killed me and that was the second one which is unfortunate i need to look into that that item that i get from the shadow tree avatar because i didn't know about that you have it you just have to i think you just use it after is it where we shot and also then putting in the the order of acquisition so so so helpful oh yeah this is my best improvement to the game trying to see what i got is it the horn bairn uses fp to summon vengeful spirits surrounding the caster that's not it no that's it okay when did i oh it's michella's grey run oh so you just have to use a rune arc how do you how do you equip great friends actually i actually don't know i forgot do you do it for my side of greece that's what i'm that one now sorry we both got our games up just just using as a reference for there's just so much stuff in this game it's it's hard to it's hard to remember sometimes maybe maybe it's a is it under equipment no i'm just gonna look it up now to activated i don't think i had like really any because i do you not keep them when you equip a great rune any side of grace great ranges special times they grant meris they equip a great rune at any site of grace yeah yeah it's not at our spells not under us i don't know actually yeah it's not giving me the option even though i have have that green all right i just used it great room you just used it yeah maybe you can just you just use it right restores when you rest although you can now equip one while resting and it will be displayed at your health center so where did you where did you equip that at just in your usable items is that all is that where it goes yeah i guess i don't know i thought there was like it had its own there's a separate thing for right yeah like its own separate area did they change that that's the pouch sorry this is very inside baseball but yeah this is this is another room podcast great ruin of the unborn what is that yeah i'll have to look into that because i'm not sure oh here here they are is there a separate page for them well i'm just looking at my inventory and i've got him here but yeah i don't know don't think it gives me the option to just i wonder if i can equip it okay i think you just equip it yeah okay yeah i'm not i'm not hundred percent sure yeah all right well i think that's gonna wrap up the elden ring talk hopefully everyone enjoyed that in the last couple minutes of us just going to our inventories i'll have to look that up because i know you can and i thought there was a i don't know oh when you use a rune arc what does that do so if you have the rune equipped or activated when you use the rune arc it activates the rune dude i don't know because i'm looking like i'm looking at this is ign's guide and it's got like a whole section for the war i could have warned there was like a separate page or some sort of thing within the like when you're at the sign of grace but there definitely there definitely was yeah i have to google it and figure it out but um but the only bullet piece of news that happened i mean i'm sure there's another stuff that happened but capcom had like a little a little event today i guess or the as mentioned you know resident evil the next resident evil is officially in development which i mean kind of all all new but but they teased over the weekend the dead rising deluxe remastered was coming maybe it's like a little a little snippet trailer but they officially revealed it today it's coming out in september i believe september 18th which is right around when zelda comes out but it's a for 4k 60 fps on the re engine they're kind of saying that it's not an exaggeration to call it a remake so that's that's pretty cool so it's i mean the trailer looks pretty good you know it still looks it doesn't look like as modern as like maybe the re234 stuff but it still looks pretty cool yeah pretty excited it was quality of life improvements like the ability to move while aiming which is nice improvements to npc behavior capcom is also fine tune the interface and added autosave functionality which is thank god oh yeah those saves were pretty terrible yeah they were pretty bad so i don't okay so yeah the digital is coming in september and then a physical release is coming in november for those who prefer you know physical so cool they're doing that giving people the option on that but yeah i'm pretty excited i'll probably end up picking this up i absolutely love the first dead rising when it came out back in 2006 which is cheese is insane it just goes to show like the 360 and the ps3 generation had so many great brand new ibis that are still relevant to this day and i don't know if the stuff we're getting now which not to say these games are bad but i don't know if they're gonna have the longevity like those games back in than had so yeah pretty cool it has a you know photo mechanic in the game you know it's it's really nice nice nice nice i never used photo mode but i did i did a little bit that game was really hard for its time but it was also like one of those games where it was like jam packed full of zombies so it was pretty impressive on the 360 back in the day so yeah yeah performance wise grac cool pretty impressive game for all yeah yeah so i'm excited it's getting a another shot at life and i mean capcom like they absolutely crushed it with everything they've done like every game outside of what was that that's a which i don't think was a bad game but it was just you know another live service kind of game that you know i don't think a lot i think a lot of people are just kind of over at this point yeah but they have been firing on all cylinders so i'm just anything capcom does like i'm interested in and some degree yeah yeah and right now right now it's probably like capcom and from is like my favorite development developers right now for sure yeah i'm so excited for whatever from software's next game is yeah they've been going crazy they've got elder ring in 2022 they had armored core armored core six in 2023 and then shadow or tree which is a brand new essentially a new game right so gosh yeah are we getting anything in 2024 who knows we'll see we'll see i mean george rr martin was out there like not really but teasing something elderman link elden ring related as far as that they're a movie or tv show goes so oh yeah that's crazy i don't know if i need that but i do i don't know what that would be like but i'm sure be cool you know i wouldn't say no yeah yeah i wouldn't say no other alright guys well i think that's gonna wrap up the show we appreciate everyone that has been watching and listening our last episode the elder ring podcast was our highest listen to one in quite a while so people just love elderry man and i'm all here for it people love it people love ring i love talking about playing it talking about it i love watching people stream it i love yeah just one of those games man one of those games even like like telling me that when he came in today and it said something he said he was talking about fortnight i was like yeah i was like i haven't played in a while he's like well you've been playing elder ring and i was like how do you know about this sweet talking i guess i guess because we played it we played it in florida yeah he did pretty good but you know he fought the first like little side boss as you can come across the uh i bet he could have taken on some of the other bosses yeah so yeah i think he had fun with that but obviously it's a little bit a little bit too challenging for him but yeah everybody loves elder ring man it's just it's just the game game yeah even the decade it really is man it really is just game the decade yeah alright guys well we'll probably talk in a little bit more elden ring next week depending on if we finish it and make our way through some more of the dlc but we'll be back back next monday hopefully everyone has a fun and safe fourth of july with your friends and family and be careful yeah always be careful around the time there's some crazy people out there yeah just be careful alright guys bye bye bye bye