Gaming with the Broscast

Shadow of the Erdtree - Final Thoughts

Harrison & Nick Episode 223

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Welcome back to the show everyone. Hopefully everyone had a great 4th of July weekend. We talk about our final thoughts on Elden Ring. In news, we talk about Horizon TV show being cancelled, Nintendo's take on AI in video games, and more!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another episode of gaming with the bros cast episode 223 my name is harrison i am joined by my brother nick as always nick how are you doing buddy on this i don't know i don't know if did you have a long fourth of july weekend no i worked friday okay so it was not a long weekend and yeah we drove back from from florida on saturday so it's yeah yeah kind of felt like it was cut short a little bit but uh yeah otherwise yeah great weekend great fourth of july friday was pretty quiet so yeah not too bad you know don't do anything fun on the fourth cooks did like hot dogs and hamburgers and watched fireworks from alicia's parents talk okay yes which one out there on 838 out there they do the fireworks at it where you could just see them no the the town that they live right next to they do fireworks okay on fourth of july every year and you can see them from from where they are so we just went out there and watched other people shoot them off we have our cool airs but that's the way to go i mean we've got like our local lake buyer house but it is so congested with with traffic and just hundred like thousands of people trying to see them just i just don't want to deal with it so yeah we kind of do the same day luckily where we were like where my house is like we could kind of see a couple of different areas that were shooting them off i did learn the hard way that fireworks are very dangerous i burned the shit out of my hands i got some third degree burns this weekend this weekend yeah this happened on saturday so i got a bunch of like fireworks and kind of spread them out the course of like the couple days whatever and then i bought this it was called a firecracker whip so assuming i could hold it i went back and read the box and it says do not hold in hand but i was holding it with like my thumb and my index finger and i lit it and then the second it started going up i was like yeah this is bad news but by that time that i let it go it already traveled all the way up and like flash burned my hand so i ran inside real quick and like threw some mustard on there did it with rinse it off with like temperature room temperature water and then luckily we had some burn cream so britney put a bunch of burn cream on there and then wrapped it up but it's pretty nasty it's pretty nasty yeah jesus those are the audio people i'm showing my burn on camera so i just took it off earlier and it looks disgusting yeah i thought it was gonna be way worse but once i woke up the next day i looked at i was like okay it's not that it's not as bad as i thought it looks bad it looks bad but it's it's definitely more on like i don't know the scale of like third degree burns but it's definitely on the lower end the lower end like i was thinking like man i'm gonna see i'm gonna look at my hand and see some bone going on they like it hurt that for a moment so yeah i didn't mess with the fireworks anymore anymore that night so you gotta be kara i mean you of course you hear about so many people losing losing their fingers losing their hands whatever but it can happen yeah it definitely definitely can happen i definitely learned my lesson that i'm not outside of like sparklers i'm not i'm not messing with that stuff anymore definitely i'm gonna hold it at least yeah i mean and really like it's it's a lot safer to you know put something on the ground and light it with lighter than it is to lighten anything in your hand yeah like that's that's a recipe for disaster like all the people in it said whip so i thought it was like a firecracker kind of whip thing so i'm just thankful because like my plan was i was gonna light it and then i was gonna let like the kids play with it but i lit it instantly and it just like shot up on me i was like oh yep yep yep this hurts yep nope we're good so yeah yeah a little scary but uh but we made it through and it's in it it really doesn't hurt surprisingly now i'm sure when like the blisters and inevitably pop i'm sure it'll sting with the the fresh skin underneath but right yeah little little lucky there yeah say the least so well okay i guess my question is what were you supposed to do with it well it's so it's it's kind of like a it's like a four foot strand and you just light it and it makes like a fire cracking like it'll because it's so thin like when it when it's on the ground it'll i guess it'll kind of whip back and forth like a snake oh okay i didn't see what it called it a snake yeah i didn't i did yeah whip was not a good choice but i mean going back i did definitely say don't blow the hole yeah can do that was a little scary but we i got through it luckily i'm done with i think i'm more or less done with eldon ring right now so cuz like yesterday i would like can't play games because i have my hand completely wrapped up and stuff i guess i mean i actually ended up yesterday just watching i think i watched all of the game grumps like resident evil 8 through i watched so i watched the house beniviento yeah yeah its first four the series and i ended up just watching the rest i think it's not very long either so i think i did like 10 or 11 episodes of it but yeah i watched all that yesterday which was a good time but yeah nick let's i guess this might be final talk about o ring for it's gosh about it again yeah i mean it's crazy i'm still finding new stuff like i'm still finding like the mini like the smaller done like the you know whatever like the caves and the smaller dungeons those kind of thing i'm still finding new ones yeah new weapons new sets of armor i don't know this game like it's huge like the dlc is so large so expansive lots of nooks and crannies i mean i almost wanted it's insanely how like packed it packed it is with yeah with just stuff i mean literally we talked about last week it's just whatever you think there's something gonna be around the corner usually it's probably gonna be like a smithing stone but there's something around the corner which i mean they come in handy when you because i i've like maxed out a lot of the deals like not a lot like a good amount of the dlc weapons just because yeah wanted to try them out like i did the the like the martial arts one where you can kick i max out yeah that one's sweet smith smith's script cirque that one the backhand blades the one of the weapon like the weapon you get for being the final boss yes no yeah yeah they do come in a sweet armor set yeah do that armor set is so sick there are some cool armor sets in this game and like i realized i missed some of the some of the quest lines in the dlc so i kind of like pay more attention this time to it because i kind of glazed over that that's my so we'll talk about it real quick but like i watched like a lana pierce's video she did like a two part video about like you know being able to like pause an elden ring like it's not you know all these gatekeeping you know from soft bros that are like yeah if you if you pause they let you pause in the game it takes out it takes away the integrity the integrity of the game and it ruins it it's like no like come on like every other game lets you pause there's even a way to get around pausing in this game that's like should be that way it's like come on just just let us pause so i did a video on that just kind of like reacting to that whatever and just got me kind of thinking like as mo like as well elder ring is like the most streamlined yeah streamline easiest fromsoft game to get in easiest like souls game to get into but there's still stuff like like quests like i do find it a little bit frustrating when like there's this quest that i flat out miss because of some and i know it's hard to like and i know like i during my run of the shadow derry tree like i kind of accidentally fell into the in game of that so like i missed a lot of the quest lines that were there yeah even like like bales or not bales um what was the guy were vile yeah that guy i missed that yeah like i killed the guy because he was like he said something about putting him out of his misery or something like that but apparently if you just i guess if you lay him there like if you exhaust his his dialogue i guess you could be a summon like in the in the fight with bail which is insane oh was that the was that the dragon guy i think so yeah that we talked about that last week that you said you killed yeah that was like lying on the ground like in agony see maybe i didn't talked to him enough or maybe i just didn't see the summon sign but i did talk to him and i didn't kill him yeah but yeah i didn't see the summon sign for igor igor whatever and i'm not a hundred percent sure if like the summon sign pops up on the first attempt because i felt like i didn't see a single summon sign on any of the bosses now that i think about it i only saw it twice i saw it when in the in the fight in the arena fight you do with like the multiple characters like there was a guy that you could summon and then also that same guy you could summon when i fought the final boss so i can't remember his name well actually was he the guy he might have been the guy that's outside of the redone fight in the base game the one that like starts the festival that you talk to it might be that guy but i'm a hundred percent sure okay but yeah i just feel like sometime and i know that's the kind of like the appeal of the game is like you know the quests are convoluted and you have to like find in the npcs along like your your path but i wish someone summons that stuff could be a little bit easier or if there was like just a quest book that once you talk to somebody it says okay you have initiated this person's quest that way you can maybe do a better job of like keeping an eye out for them in the world or if like you know you fight like a mainline boss you're like okay you need to go back and talk to so and so because they have new stuff to say and i know this stuff you should know as a souls player but sometimes you just forget like you're so excited with just moving on that you just don't think about that so some some that stuff i kind of wish they would streamline a little bit but also like i don't know it's pretty darn perfect too so yeah that mean that's yeah it's kind of a hard argument because at the same like it's on you for missing it right yeah it's yeah for sure you know if you didn't think to go back then you could argue that oh you didn't care enough about the quest line or whatever but i i am one to glaze over stuff so i would appreciate having that in the game just like a quest like just i don't need a lot just hey hey this is like a character you've met you know you know if you meet a character and they have something to say like it'll just it'll trigger like the quest line or something something very minor i don't need it to guide me i don't need to say hey you know so and so is gonna be at this grace point at you know after they do have it on the map where they show where the characters like move around as you're moving so they kind of give it to you already but that was added in an update right i think so yeah yeah and also i kind of would like for them and i know i don't know how hard this feature is to implement but like the breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom feature where you can see where your footsteps went so you can know exactly where you've been on the map that would be kind of helpful especially when you're just trying to go back and clean up the map a little bit it's like at this point i'm still missing a bunch of like the shadow tree fragments but i'm not gonna look up a guy to this point because i don't know which ones that i've gotten and i haven't gotten so far right yeah i just got to 18 so i'm missing all graphics and i've like i've just been kind of picking a point on the map going to it and then looking around yeah and like seeing like i found like an entirely new section of the what is it the grave grave site planes that i had just hadn't been to before like for whatever reason it was like to the right of shadow keep like right outside of it and had like a mini dungeon in it oh yeah yeah yeah another area yeah i had completely missed that in the is that is that where you fight is there like a little castle is that where you're talking about no no you did that one that's like past one of the dragons yeah i did that one it had the like one of those like fire dungeons with with the big oh yeah i know what you're talking about just yeah i think there's cool yeah one and you always get an ancient dragons mythic stone yes and some sort of yeah yeah yeah those i don't think they have bosses you just have to get to it's the get to the end and then it'll warp you back mm hmm yeah like i said very minor nitpicks that if they didn't improve on it whatever it's not like a make or break for me at this point but it would be nice just to have some sort of like a little bit of a guide or some sort of book or something that you said hey this is this person and i think going forward for me personally and i haven't ever done it in the past with the fromsoft game but i'm gonna start stopping and reading the descriptions i've been watching this guy on on tiktok playthrough shadow of your tree and like he stops and like reads every single item description and it really like it gives you an i give a sense of idea of like where you're at in the in the area and like kind of the story leading up and i know that's it's not new to a front you know it's a front soft game i understand but i feel like yeah i feel like i've been missing out a lot so i think the next game i'm gonna i'm gonna start being more methodical about like reading the lore and just doing a better job of that because you get to an area here like you just want to get through it and find secret stuff but yeah yeah and you're like worried about you're worried about like conquering the area right not dying rather than you know exploring the lore understanding where you're at what you're doing and yeah i think that's what i didn't that was where i went wrong in this dlc is like i was just going from area to area to area not really thinking about yeah you know what the implications of what i was doing were but yeah that being said i still had such an amazing time with it got you know 30 to 40 hours out of this dlc yeah i think i'm well into 40 hours at this point and i'll probably like i've sometimes i've just been in my room and i've got pull up tik tok or something and i'll see like a random like a secret at someone's i did you know and then i'm like no i didn't and then i go to do it and i'm like hell yeah this is awesome i mean like 10 15 minutes yeah so man scams game is great man it's kind of it's kind of crazy how you like of course i don't do this i typically play for a longer period of time but you could just like pick the game up for 20 minutes and actually like have a tangible experience or tangible achievement yeah that you've achieved throughout you know 15 minutes of playtime because because yeah it's a huge world but the areas themselves are pretty bite sized yeah so do have a question for you though with you know we've had elden ring shadow of the yer tree we had you know the dark souls trilogy bloodborne sekiro you know all these games that kind of follow a somewhat similar structure in terms of gameplay and storytelling what do you want next from from software man that's i mean what's what's next is prom i mean i don't know if an elven rank 2 is gonna be anywhere near the horizon if they're gonna do something i don't know maybe something new maybe something i mean i would love to get an elder ring too at some point and i think that's that's clearly gonna happen just with how well that game sold and how well shadow the tree is selling and just continues to kind of dominate for the last couple years but if they're not gonna do a sequel i would like for them to do something new with maybe some sort of new mechanic built into the game but still obviously keeping it the sole experience that we love i don't know what they could i don't know what they could do i have no idea but you know we've gotten like the great pairing system from you know sakura we've got like kind of the faster gameplay with like the healing mechanic with bloodborne you know dark souls you know one to two to three to elven ring or just kind of improvements upon themselves so i don't know don't know what about you what would you kind of want next from from soft i think i think we're at a point now where the with the current gameplay structure the bosses that are in this dlc the bosses that were in elden ring the bosses that were even in you know bloodborne or whatever sekiro they're as hard as they're as hard as they're gonna get right yeah like there's nothing they could do that would make the game any harder at this point with it still being fair to it again so i think like the bosses they've been getting faster right they're becoming more dynamic i think they need to reflect that in the gameplay on the player side now we're like you see these bosses doing these really cool yeah moves and then you get their boss weapons and like harrison it's like two percent of what they actually can do yeah so i'm leaning into that more and and making it feel more cinematic and i would love them to take inspiration from from sakura because that game was very dynamic and in its gameplay and like even though it was you know you had your you know your one main weapon and all of your prosthetics that you know there weren't that many variations to what you're using to to attack the gameplay like felt really evolved from yeah from something like bloodborne or especially something like dark souls so i mean i don't know how they would do that i do think the parry should be built in somehow into the elden ring system instead of it would be nice instead of being like a skill on yeah on a weapon or a shield and it's weird that like shields don't automatically parry right like some do like some you have to do it but then some they don't have that a capability so that yeah that would be that would be nice yeah yeah i agree with that so to be clear we both have finished i think last week we were both stuck on the final boss and i think that same night after the podcast we both ended up beating him which is hilarious ended up going like the build i had i had like a i had it i always have done like a dex build but i ended up equipping in like some super heavy armor and then equipped a couple of different like runes or talismans to make make my equip load heavier so i didn't do the fat roll thing then i rocked out a shield and then i had a can't remember the name of the weapon but it was like a wasn't a dagger but it was i was a rape here it had had blood had blood loss built in or no it had blood scarlet built into it and then i added blood loss in from an ash of war and i just kept kept going at it and eventually i eventually got him down but you kind of went up a little bit of a different route with your with your strategy yeah i initially started with the bloodhound things and that wasn't working so it's like you know what like i haven't really period that much in elden rank maybe i should try to get better at it so i i did the i use a dagger it's called misericord misericord and it's a blood loss dagger and i like i talked to a bunch of talismans that you know increase your critical give you health when you do a critical and then whenever there's blood loss in the vicinity you do more damage so i had some really good talismans to use and then i had a there's like a mesmer shield with golden perry yeah it's just a perry that uses your fp to actually like do the perry and and i parried through his first phase and then i think i got like one visceral parry and you have to parry him three times to get him down so i got like one visceral parry in my second phase and then i had summoned my mimic tier in the second phase and that he helped me out at the very end so it was yeah that's what i end up going after you said that you summoned your mimic in the second half i was like yeah that makes sense because like he literally will bombard you and like the second you walk in from the fog door so i just focused on making sure i was guarding and stuff like that and then whenever went to second phase while he's power why he's doing his kind of big blast whatever i used use the mimic and then and then healed real quick can we can we just talk about who the final boss is at this point i feel like everybody knows yeah yeah spoilers five four three two one you've been warned so super awesome that it's predon again because like he's like one of the like the favorite bosses from the the original and and one of the hardest ones right thought it was like hilarious that you learned that it's it's maug's body but it's radahan's soul put into it that's yeah ironic but awesome mog mog got done dirty yeah he really did but yeah i thought this so so you i haven't touched the i need to go back but at this point i'm just waiting for like a remaster but you you played bloodborne the bloodborne dlc and that's considered like the final loss of that it's considered like the hardest of the souls how would you compare that fight with consort redon i think i think it's harder i think i think baseline it's harder but it's way more fair whereas redon isn't as hard from a technical standpoint but it's a lot more unfair especially i mean really just in that second half where you just can't see anything because yeah all that holy damage stuff is going on and yeah um makes sense yeah i mean you know i struggled on that on orphan of cause for years i guess i don't think years because it's not like i was playing it down for a while put it down came back yeah i don't know like yeah i think i think i think i would still say orphan of gauss is harder than than redon okay like i mean how much time do you think it took you total to beat her down like like four or five hours maybe yeah something like that i mean it was probably under a hundred attempts but also like i felt like every time i was for the most part every time i was attempting i was getting better like i felt like i could see his attack patterns and stuff like that and obviously like the shield was the shield i think the shield and pairing are like the way to go with this boss it seems like that that's most of the time i've seen people beat him because you just can't roll but like with that holy damage because you can you can dodge the initial swipe but then there's always that secondary holy damage that comes down and that that's kind of hard to dodge i'm sure people have done it of course but right yeah man i just think overall this this dlc just adds to the masterpiece that is that is elden ring and if we could get elden ring dlc every two years for the rest of my life i would be totally good with it you know if they did elder ring 2 the exact same style with not much changed i'd be okay with it obviously i would want them to make some improvements here and there but right i mean it's hard to say a game is near flawless but damn this game is incredible yeah i think it's as close to flawless as you can get i mean we talked about improvements that we would honestly made but i mean i don't think any of those really detract from the experience that much yeah it's gonna be hard to beat for my i mean i know it's a piece of dlc but but it's a 40 hour dlc yeah we make the rules around here for game of the year stuff i don't see something beating this but we'll see i don't know yeah i can't see something beating this night and i feel like we've had like our like i feel like the big games of the year come out like final fantasy 7 dragon's dogma to what balatro i mean yeah in palatro and that's that's a that's a contender but not not not even playing that game is the game is incredible oh yeah yeah actually incredible yeah yeah i don't know we've still got a lot of stuff to coming up but yeah it's been it's i want to say it's been a week year so far but there hasn't been like a ton like prince of persia obviously is a huge one for me yeah you know hell blade i really liked it hell blade but i feel like i really kind of just came and went for the most part which is fine you know it's a four to five hour experience it's not meant to be played over and over again but that came and went super fast for me like stellar blade yes celebrate was great i like still played a lot you're right though i mean comparing it to 2023 which was like the greatest like one of the greatest years ever in gaming it's hard to time he's hard to top that yeah we'll see we'll see we'll see what happens yeah any any last thoughts on el moraine before we before we move on probably won't talk about it we probably will talk about it more but not in depth as we have been was i was watching some like ranking videos today of like you know like weapons in elder ring and you know comparing other games in the series and stuff i kind of want to go back to secro and then do a new game plus run through that i i feel like it i feel like it would go really well feel like i've gotten a lot better at pairing since i've been thinking about that too myself just restarting it at and trying to want to be that damn owl but it's so frustrating have you gotten close i've gotten close i've gotten like a few swipes or a few periods away so i mean i could probably do it i just gotta i just gotta lock in gotta lock in man gotta lock in that's all you get that's the only thing you have to do yeah which i have your game by the way still so that the one i have is yours oh really yeah never mind though next time next time i see i can i can give back to you yeah alright so yeah well i'm sure we'll talk about more elinor ing and to be honest like i've kind of wanted to go back and just like play through bloodborne again and and dark souls 2 don't know i was thinking about dark souls 2 as well have you have you beat dark souls 2 that was the first souls game i beat i was first okay okay yeah okay yeah be dead and then went to bloodborne i still do i still remember when i picked up dark souls 2 from gamestop and like the the cashier was like dude this game is gonna be so hard for you i'm like i think okay bro like chill out like it's just a game so i don't know say what you love about gamestop employees sometimes but most of the time it's a very chill experience but sometimes i'm tweaking i'm yeah i'm like dude chill chill bro or like the one time i rent it was from a blockbuster and i rented halo because i had beaten halo 2 so i wander in halo to play in for the first time and the guy was like why he's like why would you get halo 2 that game or why would you rent halo halo 2s out i'm like i know i have the game i had never played through one so let me do that and i check out it's like bro i'm gonna kill you if you do this and then i think he ended up sticking the halo 2 disc in the game and like the in the cartridge and you didn't so i had to come back to or i think dad went back to blockbuster and had to soft out so what a dick why would you even breathe in the same direction of halo 1 when halo 2 is out right there yeah i don't know so stupid edge words yeah let's jump into let's jump into the news here again not a lot it's been kind of very slow since uh it's in summer games as well well let's talk about the first we got a little insight into a hell blade 2 sales in comparison to like game pass and stuff so this comes from an article from ign but it's a according to sarcana analyst matt piscatella hell blood to was 37th overall in terms of full dollar sales for the month of may putting it 21st overall in the xbox series consoles hell blade to did not receive a physical release of course notably hail blade to released on xbox game pass a launch and that was born out of its engagement data where it ranked twelfth on xbox in terms of monthly active users that puts it just behind fallout 76 on the platform but ahead of star wars jedi survivor apex legends and forza horizon 5 piscatella share the sales info on twitter since hublets performance meant that it didn't appear on any of the major charts let's see if there's anything else to that to that story so again it doesn't give us like a number it just says it was kind of 12th you know in like overall games played on game pass for the month of may but i mean i would say that's i would say that's pretty good right behind fallout 76 which probably had a couple million players in may yeah just given the popularity of it i'm a couple million players probably experienced tablets maybe they didn't finish it necessarily but yeah yeah i don't know i just i'm concerned that this is not seen as a success at xbox and ninja theory is gonna be on the chopping block you yeah i just think that their work that they do with the audio design kind of is what's keeping them alive and i hate to say that there also was a little bit of follow up here it says xbox and ninja theory have shared little data about hellblade 2's sales since they initially released leaving fans to speculate over steam concurrence and other other data game industry dot biz publisher chris dream noted that it that it failed to correct the top 100 on the european sales charts so yeah the steam concurrence was it peaked very low yeah which concurrents aren't always like i hate when people you can use it in some regard like how well it's sold like in the first week or so but when people are like you know being assholes about like starfield and you know they're still clinging on to starfields relevancy it's like okay it's a single player game that people it's been two months or whatever since its release yeah it's gonna have low it's gonna have low concurrence on steam like concurrents aren't necessarily at the end all be all the success of a you know individual game but you can use that as like a kind of a metric for like the first couple weeks or so so i appreciate it but yeah i don't know again i don't know how well it's doing but i don't know yeah yes title each title for xbox i think super niche i mean that that's kind of the problem with that in like it's like they're burnt like they're there their first big game of the year yeah and it just happens to be super niche yeah so it's kind of a the it's not a great look that that it's not performing super well and like yeah and it also didn't like i mean it's it's in the 80s so it reviewed well but it wasn't like a it wasn't a much drastic difference and like from the first one yeah no and you could kind of tell from the interviews leading up to the to the release where the you know the director was answering questions about you know if there were any improvements in combat and he was like well you know we've added a lot more animations and that kind of stuff but not really yeah i mean there is virtually no change to the combat system and other than you just fought enemies one on one right i recommend if you've played i would recommend playing through both to be honest i think they're i think they're both good experiences to to play you know if you've got you've got time and i think it's a little bit of a down year for a little bit of a downtime for you're gaming right now if you're you know if you finished elf ring and stuff like that so i'd recommend playing i think i think it's great but you know i don't know if i would spend 50 bucks on it separately you know especially did scroll only yeah digital only to so all right so we got stories about that okay cool go ahead and read it all i'm just gonna sprinkle this in real quick basketball is coming to nintendo switch sports tomorrow july 9th or whenever you listen to it it's out has like the the free shooting mode that was in wii sports resort like we yeah basically like around the world then i think it has three on three like three on three hoops i'll probably check it out with with kellan he's been wanting place with sports again so reason to go back i love the basketball and we sports resort so yeah i'm gonna check this out yeah hopefully it controls as well as the wii sports resort version the golf version on on switch sports like it just feels like a little bit off compared to sports which i mean that's kind of natural since you don't the sensor bar but still like something about like the gyro controls just like it like constantly needs to be calibrated doesn't feel super great hope they improve on that in the next switch yeah i think i think they will i mean i'm assuming they continue on with the the motion stuff which if it's just gonna be like a switch upgrade more or less i'd imagine that it would so yeah i'll check that out it's kind of weird that they didn't put a date on that when they had the direct because it was like literally last week yeah maybe maybe they just needed like some extra polish and they weren't quite sure they didn't want to nail down a date but yeah a little strange but weird hey that's cool um the the horizon tv show that was uh coming to a to netflix has seemingly been canceled i guess there were some issues with like the producer on set people were i'm not quite sure i guess i guess like some some issues were arising so they ended up canceling the the show i'm sure i'm sure if sony can't get something worked out with with netflix with another producer or something like that another director i'm sure they'll move it away from netflix and put it on amazon or some other tv platform because it seems like they're it seems like they're all in on horizon you know with the lego game coming out this year right it seems like they want it to be and obviously it's sold incredibly well but you know part of it being you know pack in with the ps 5 for for a long time yeah it seems like a pretty you know a pretty important franchise a sony so i think they'll definitely get this thing made you know if it's not with netflix yeah i think it's gonna happen i think sony views horizon is like they're one of their top three yeah franchises i'd be curious to to see how with all with all the great adaptations we've had recently i'd be curious to see how this thing looks compared to because obviously like fallout i don't necessarily love playing fallout but the show is incredible i didn't i didn't hate horizon and i haven't played two to be fair but i didn't also love horizon either so i would be curious to see what my mindset is going into that tv show yeah i mean i think they could do something cool with it just so even with the world itself even if they're not following a louie i don't know if that's what it is aloy yeah it is aloy okay okay they're probably retooling it would be cool if they could like if they had the freedom to kind of do side stories within the world but yeah and that's where like fallout blint like is like kind of perfect universe to do something like a tv show because you can there's so many different vaults i have not even explored in any of the games so you can just kind of make up your own stuff and then it's considered canon with the with the games so it's like even even better it's like the perfect perfect scenario and horizon could kind of be the same thing right like you could have you could tell another story you know with another tribe or whatever village you know and then maybe like have cameos of aloy and other but i get why you want to use aloy so yeah yeah i guess it's kind of different because like with horizon it's aloy saving the world whereas in fallout it's its characters living within in the unsavable worlds a broken world so it's it's more ongoing in that sense where like there's not a singular person that's gonna you know change the landscape of a world and that's kind of with any of the any of these big franchises like you know when they announced the last of us tv shows like yeah you know that would have been cool they could explore other characters and they did with bill and ted yeah and i was like one of the greatest episodes ever but also like i would love to see you know another even if it's like a mini like a mini series like a two or three episode kind of spin off like that could be incredible same with like halo you do like a little like horror episode of halo or like you're not a spartan you're you know you go with the family you know you watch a family go through like the escape of reach or something like that it's like little spin off stuff like that like obviously we love these main line stories but i don't feel like we get enough of those spin offs and we've seen those stories smaller experiences too yeah like that's why i love like those that's why i loved odst you know that was such a great yeah spin off game yeah but i think i think i think the scope of that was turned out to be a lot higher than they anticipated but but yeah like stuff like that where it's like a less but you know obviously way less budget what way less scale back you can tell a really interesting story you could have a unique mechanic you know because obviously you're not a freaking spartan or something that you can have some sort of other mechanic like a stealth mechanic or something like like yeah just i don't know why companies don't do that more often yeah what other examples are there of that i don't know big franchises i'm sure there are some that i'm just i can't think of and there's there's always that uncharted lost legacy example i don't i don't know if that's more so scaled back or but just shorter right like it's still the same it was way shorter but also it introduced like the hub mechanic to uh or like the hub world to that game where you you were kind of did you play lost legacies probably played an hour of it dude you need to play that it's really good okay but yeah it's it's i mean it's kind of like um you know like gears of war where they had gears 5 had the like kind of the hub areas but it was a lot more there's a lot more stuff to do within those areas okay there was a lot of like parkour and climbing and stuff like that and finding like you know treasures and stuff like that and then you would go off on various paths for the story that's a really good piece of that's a really good game right there really good spin off but it's but it's also pretty on par with what you'd expect from a uncharted so it's been off but it's like there's not they're not really doing much new outside of the base game but still really good night um so yeah i'm hoping it gets i'm like i can like sony's gonna get this thing made regardless of who is it who's it's with so so so so excited for it yeah and then the last one you wanna you want to read this one yeah yeah so nintendo had like they're not yearly financials but like it was like a shareholder meeting or something shareholder q amp a yeah yeah they were asked about if they were gonna implement ai into any of their games and they they kind of recognized the uses of it or importance of it but said that's not something they were gonna implement in any of their games for the for the foreseeable future which you know that's great i mean i yeah i i think it can be used like there's a time and place to use it but at the same time like you know once you start using ai you're gonna ask yourself what else can i use this for can i have this can i have this write my game can i have this you know animate my game instead of just like i need this team of people to handcraft these worlds anymore that kind of stuff yeah that's bruce loop yeah that's kind of where i'm on the fence with ai it's like i could see the value of it in certain aspects of gaming in game creation but i don't know the second you take out a human touch with we always talk about like in fallout and stuff like that where you go into just some random house and whether it's a major part of the story or a very very minor insequential part of the story there's always some or even like last of us too does a really good job you walk into a room you can see kind of the story that happened in that specific area or that room or that house building whatever i don't think you're gonna get that that kind of love and treatment from like ai you know no not at all i mean like even if like you know when when when someone goes in to make that room like they're they're reusing assets sure but they are but they're building out that room in a way that makes sense you know where as an ai do that with ai like at least at first it wouldn't think about that it wouldn't think about those those you know intricacies those in the like you know those implications so i don't know i'm glad they're not doing anything with it yet then and you know yeah seems like they're always on the conservative side with with these kinds these kinds of things i mean they really value their employees that kind of shows and hey me amen to salary was was kind of revealed in their annual report and he makes like three hundred thousand a year with a one point five million dollar bonus yeah yeah which is like super super low for compared to any executive any yeah like compared that to bobby kotic who makes hundreds of million dollars a year or made made as well and this is why we know that nintendo doesn't close studios and they don't they don't let people they don't have mass layoffs like every other company out there and they can allow game studios to oh yeah you need another year to polish tears of the kingdom go ahead do you need a deadline for mario wonder no just make what you want and when it's ready to go let us know kind of thing obviously they have their flaws their online infrastructure is not the greatest the way they handle friends lists and messaging and stuff and i get it keep the kids safe but it's okay it's not yeah it's not a good it's not a good experience at all but so yeah they definitely have their flaws but they also i don't know they sell their games just sell so well and there and they're all like whether they're some are kitty more kitty than others they all they're all still like solid experiences right right i mean look i mean looking at some of their games that they've released this year like a lot a lot of them haven't been for us or for me but i can still respect yeah also their pricing i think could use some adjustments like right 60 bucks for luigi's mansion too with minimal upgrades kind of looks like it used the same i think the what was the company that did it was a tanalus yeah yeah they like used like the same files and everything like the same folders like if you look into the backend the game yeah it's like yeah some of that stuff can be it's like 40 bucks for metroid prime insanely good deal in my opinion but paper mario 60 bucks which hey you know it hasn't been re release since it first came out outside of like maybe a nintendo selects thing or something like that it's like okay 60 bucks sure but like but luigi mentioned to sorry it was 40 bucks when it came out yeah donkey kong was what it was 40 on it for was it 30 on the ds and then it was or 3ds and then it was 40 i don't know it's on the wii yeah don't know why that game is getting remade i'm sorry yeah it's a little weird i figured i figured they would just do like a brand new game but i don't know here we are and it's so it's so weird that it's a january 2025 game like that should have released this year 24 yeah but of course they announced luigi's mansion and thousand year door in 2023 it's released in 24 so that's true they like doing stuff yeah yeah they hold once their games to like i mean fire emblem like where that's yeah yeah zelda the zelda games if they're still a thing like where those at i don't know prime yeah prime to prime 3 all right well um yeah i think that's gonna wrap up the news section nick i did want to talk about so we've we've uh now that we're kind of in past elden ring a little bit any games in july that you're that you're looking forward to what games are coming up oh i do want to check out point lock oh yes yes that's the the souls light yeah game that's coming yeah that that does look pretty good that's coming on game pass i think it's on the 18th i believe i think so yeah 18 and i know nintendo has their like nes championship game yeah which i've got that pre ordered i'm i'm excited to check that out yeah trying to see if there's anything else i know i know there's something else maybe there's not yeah that's that's the big game for nintendo it's world championship oh there is the i think there's a demo on if i'm not correct me if i'm wrong but that knutsu gami path of the goddess game from capcom that tower defense oh right game or like you're climbing up the mountain and you have to like keep the print like the goddess that one that one looks pretty interesting i need to check out that demo if it's if it's available on the xbox or playstation yeah yeah that's pretty much it nothing really you not know it's not a lot yeah this is gonna be a good month to uh to catch up on the backlog i think yeah i need to get back into final fantasy i just need a beeline towards the end of that game yeah i want to hear your thoughts on it if you if you end up finishing it yeah i don't know how much longer i have i think i'm on like chapter nine or ten because you're you're like are you are you trying to 100 percent in are you just going through every area and just trying to as much as you can i was i was trying to and i did a hundred percent like the first two or three areas and then go not they're so big and there's so many of those yeah there is it kind of you know gets to be a little bit too much yeah august i mean august has some good games though steamworld heist 2 black myth luke kong visions of mana cat quest 3 and then of course dredge the iron rig is coming out is that coming out in august yeah yeah august 15th is coming out very excited for that concord comes out in the 23rd i'm good oh black myth comes out on the 20th we'll call him i'm still very like i'm very curious see how that game is gonna be good or not i hope it is yeah not just not a ton coming out but then september is pretty stacked yeah once it hits september it's yeah stalker to astro bot legend of zelda yeah dead rising deluxe remaster which i'll probably pick that up yeah yeah but like i mean you're kind of you were kind of right in your sentiment earlier about 2024 being a bit lighter like there's nothing on here that's like you know that big huge title well nothing nothing from playstation we already had that confirmed nintendo's like kind of on its last legs with the switch but hey i'm still very excited for zelda yeah looks looks pretty good i mean we get we're getting vessel hatreds coming out the expansion for diablo 4 silent hill 2 october 8th still no that's gonna come out october 11th very excited for dragon ball sparking zero mmm super super mario party jamboree which i know a lot people are excited for that one still like up in the air if i'm gonna take that one up or not black ops 6 i'll definitely try it at least not super pumped for black ops 6 but right i'm definitely gonna try it out let's kind of it actually when does the valve come out we say we don't have it we don't have announcements for a vowed or indiana jones why do i think that they had a release date for that val when about on their on their website they put like november 13th or something and then they quickly took it down so people are thinking that's yeah and and then indiana jones yeah who knows and we got mario luigi brothership coming november 7th slytherhead november 8th a game i don't know about that one dragon quest 3 hd 2d remake coming on the 14th of november i'll probably pick that one out that one looks really good assassin's creed shadows i'm very i'm very curious about and then december december is very light lego horizon ventures well no that's tba we don't have a release date for that so some tv yeah it's there hasn't been a release day yet for that one unscheduled releases let's look if there's anything of newt um let's see anything really hollow night she's that's it here indiana right yeah and honestly like i feel like right now like hollow knight if it dropped this month or next month that would be perfect yeah a lot of stuff coming out yeah yeah yeah i think yeah a little bit of a weaker year than than last year but that's fine i mean totally fine that's fine yeah but don't yeah but we don't need every year to be a to be an absolute banger yeah i think that's i think that's pretty much pretty much it so yeah we still got something we still got my gamescom coming up in august next month geez so that'll be like a pretty big news thing toky tokyo game show which i think it's we didn't put on the news but playstation is gonna be there for the first time and in a long time so yeah we still got some stuff to look forward to i think oh yeah oh yeah very excited for for zelda yes i'm yeah i'm excited to see some more of that mm hmm that comes out well yet september okay yes september yeah all right well i think that is going to wrap up the show everyone we appreciate everyone watching and listening if you guys can leave us a review on your favorite podcasting platform of choice that would be greatly greatly appreciated you guys can text a show if you want it's in it's in the description you just literally just text to text us and we'll get the notification you can ask any questions you like games that you're looking forward to coming up let us know how you've been enjoying elder ring is it too hard internet says it's too hard is it too hard i don't know maybe it might be yeah it might be i don't know that last boss is pretty pretty brutal yeah then and then follow us on over on twitter on tiktok nick's been carrying us with with a lot of elder ring videos so yeah follow us on our all of our various various socials everything in the description below below nick final thoughts anything else you want to say before we roll man see you all in elden ring yeah next year baby now no blood born to blood born to all the way don't don't say that fine it's not happening they're actually gonna d list bloodborne from the playstation store yeah there's some licensing rights with with the music in there alright guys bye bye bye bye